Posted by Don on October 11, 2001 at 08:11:33:
In Reply to: Fellows 6A-type posted by Marijan on October 06, 2001 at 07:41:03:
We are the world authority on Fellows 6A's, (not such a big deal). Check out our hokey site for info and pics on some real sexy 6A's
To answer your question, the index gear formula is, (G/T X 3/10)= (A/PG X B/C X D/E)
G= teeth in workpiece
T= teeth in cutter
3/10 is machine constant
A is index gear on worm shaft
PG is "pitch gear", drives index gear "A"
B is index gear mounted behind "PG" on same shaft
C is index gear drives "B"
D is index gear mounted behind "C" on same shaft
E is index gear drives "D", mounted far left
All shafts are marked for the respective index gear.
It's my understanding that Fellows is hosing customers $150.00 for a photocopy of their old manuals. We are preparing a complete manual set for the care and feeding of 6A's. Will detail in simple to follow steps the adjustment of the infeed and timing mechanism, 4-point adjustment and apron lock setting, Also trouble shooting common problems. Will include photographs of each steps with nude model. Unfortunately, unable locate any willing models here in VT with all their teeth.