Posted by BillS on December 14, 2017 at 20:24:32:
Had an interesting puzzle yesterday. A user of CPC24 sent me two prints for two 30T spur bevels and said he was having trouble figuring out how to input the specs.
I looked at it and, assuming that this was a 30T miter pair (they were exactly the same gears with different bores and other features). I noticed that pitch angles were equal but more than 56 deg, but shaft angle was 90 deg. Now how would you create a summary of two miter gears with 56 Deg pitch angles?
Well, scratching my head over this, and before accusing the designer of bad work, it finally came to me. These were not a miter pair, but a couple of gears from other gearsets! Now, the prints referred to other prints as mating parts, but by print numbers only...I had jumped to the wrong conclusion!
With CPC24 I was able to quickly duplicate the gear by trying different pinion sizes. Turns out, a 20T pinion required a 30T gear with the print's 56 Deg pitch angle and tooth proportions.
I had some fun with that one, lemme tell ya!
If anyone has had a similar experience with a puzzle or strange outcome, please share it with us.