Re: Oerlikon SKM1 Help Please

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Posted by Dimebag on February 02, 2018 at 16:34:22:

In Reply to: Oerlikon SKM1 Help Please posted by Artur on February 01, 2018 at 12:35:03:

This gear cutting system started with Spiromatic (methods N, G and Spiroflex) being most likely interesting to you, as later Spirac is a Formate-like solution for high volume application. The cutting heads include TC, ETC, EN/FN, EHN/FH (since you mention also hypoid gears) and FS. They all have different approaches to contact pattern development- by variations of angles between consecutive cutters, changing of the theoretical generating crown's size or cutter tilt. Sharpening of these tools is complicated and as the resulting geometry of the tool changes you also need to change the machine settings. You see there is a lot of choices to be made and puzzles to be solved to get a spiral bevel gear cut right with those methods, not just a simple set of formulas. For these reasons such face hobbing methods work best for serial production of gears, not for jobs. If you had a serial production in mind, then getting good settings from a good source sounds maybe not that bad. If you plan to make spiral bevel gear jobs, you should consider the Zyklo-Palloid or Palloid methods, as they have very easy calculations and tools standardized by module range. Hope it helps any.

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