Re: Converting from 116 to 16 spiral machine settings

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Posted by BillS on December 16, 2013 at 14:52:38:

In Reply to: Re: Converting from 116 to 16 spiral machine settings posted by tom on December 16, 2013 at 12:05:06:

Hi Tom,
I couldn't download from the link you posted. Is it an Adobe .PDF File?
Is it a Unitool method that creates a summary for no. 16 directly?

I really appreciate your effort !

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Really, I'm hoping somebody has actually
filled out one of the conversion sheets.
I'm showing an example of the sheet here:

If someone has an example, filled out,
that works on a no. 16 machine (a lot
to ask, I know!) I would really appreciate
seeing it!

It amazes me that I don't already have a
completed conversion sheet in any of
the material I have...