Re: gleason spiral cutter bodies

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Posted by Hano Lourens on November 19, 2011 at 02:29:58:

In Reply to: gleason spiral cutter bodies posted by paramjit singh on November 11, 2011 at 11:05:05:

The blades will be numbered like 12-20deg
The 12 stand for a Number 12 cutter ,that will be 120 minutes or 2 degrees. So the cutting blades will be 20deg + 2deg = 22deg OB and 20deg - 2deg =18deg IB.
The cutter constant ,calculated in the summary sheets will determin the blade number.
However when if youre cutter inventory does not include the desired cutter number then you can adapt a cutter number of a different number by calculate tilt,swivel and radial change.
You can cut the gear and pinion with the same cutter number.

I can help you with this,contac me.

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