Posted by Frank on June 10, 2011 at 15:59:49:
I am quoting a job for 11T 24DP, 20PA, Long Addendum Spur Gear. Print calls for a Full Fillet radius: (.0194) Print is not talking about a root radius nor tooth tip radius. I believe it has to do with the radius of the actual tooth. Another note calls for " Radius to fillet and tooth profile intersection .2147 max" Not sure exactly what that note is referring to as well. Print does not show radius in drawing of the actual gear at root or tip of tooth. I believe it refers to where the addendum blends into the pitch diameter. Basically all the diameters are .040 oversized (root dia, pitch dia & outside dia)
I think a standard non topping cutter will produce the part. Please advise, Thanks