Re: Gear Hobbing on a lathe

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Posted by Reeve on November 06, 2010 at 22:14:42:

In Reply to: Re: Gear Hobbing on a lathe posted by Hobman on December 17, 2005 at 11:16:53:

This mechanism is going to cause discontinuities in your gear teeth; when you advance the blank into the hob (moving the blank vertically into the length of the teeth being cut), this action will simultaneously advance the angular position of the blank with respect to the hob. This will happen because the geometry of the gear train between the hob shaft and worm gear is going to straighten as you advance the blank in the vertical direction. You could compensate for this of course, but then you would also have to work out a way to feed the blank vertically at a constant rate (a constant rate, in order for the advancement rate to be accountable; so that you can compensate for this changing gear-train geometry).

I’m just going by what I can see of the mechanism in the picture; have any of you had experience with this design, and did you find the gears to come out with significant discontinuities in the teeth surfaces?

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