Gear binds in only one direction?

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Posted by Robert Burdge on March 06, 2009 at 14:36:57:

I have a stepper motor with a small gear that drives a much larger gear to position an antenna. With the motors un-powered, the antenna can easily be pushed in one direction causing the drive gear and motor shaft to rotate. When the antenna is pushed the other way, the gears appear to bind and require a much higher force to start any motion.

Once started in motion, it is easy keep the antenna moving. So, it has a "sticky" start in one direction only, but will move easily in either direction once started.

The motor itself works easily in either direction when not attached to the driven gear. There seems to be ample backlash between the gears. A small amount of wiggle is evident in either direction before the teeth make contact.

Any ideas?

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