Re: calculating pin dia for worm gear

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Posted by BillS on December 05, 2007 at 18:13:30:

In Reply to: Re: calculating pin dia for worm gear posted by Charley B. on December 03, 2007 at 15:53:35:

Here is the MOW for your 64 NDP worm, 4 starts:

.21394 max (based on 0.00 backlash)

measurement over (3) 0.02700 pins

I emailed you a response to your questions about CPC-HOB.

BTW, CPC-HOB doesn't do worm threads unless your machine is capable of it, and the number of starts is rather large. CPC-TM is available for setting up Thread Milling machines. That's where the MOW above was calculated.
Do you have a thread mill?

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