Re: Gear Hobbing on a lathe

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Posted by Hobman on December 17, 2005 at 16:05:30:

In Reply to: Re: Gear Hobbing on a lathe posted by Ron on December 17, 2005 at 11:29:15:

Pics? Dig this, man... Bill put a little box down below the reply box. You just cut 'n' paste the pic url into the box and presto... bing, there it is! Trick is though, that in order for that to work the pic has to already be on the internet somewhere-- either stolen from some other site (right click on pic, choose Properties, url comes up) or downloaded onto one of those pic places like Photobucket or Ofoto or Moment of Fame.

As it happens I am particularly expert at posting pics of boxes with red x's in them.

Those ones I said I was going to post just haven't happened yet since I just noticed Bill's box today. Think I might need a camera too the last ones were taken through a loupe and don't look so good. I'll get to it though.

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