Re: What could be causing our hob machine vibrations?

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Posted by Ron on June 06, 2005 at 21:18:23:

In Reply to: Re: What could be causing our hob machine vibrations? posted by BillS on June 06, 2005 at 12:38:10:

Once again Bill thanks for trying to help, your thouthts are always apreciated. One of the first things we checked was the floor supports, we even attempted to dampen the machine/floor configuration by placing sheets of conveyor belt rubber between the pads and slab. I assume that using a hob with more or less flutes would change the frequency.....yes/no? If it does then we have already tried changing the frequency source as the resonance develops no matter which pitch we are cutting or more specificly which tool we are using. For the latest set up we could'nt use an arbor, direct clamping to the table was the only way. I assume that direct clamping is more ridgid than using an abor....yes/no? For pitches above 4module we always climb cut for roughing and conventional cut on the finishing (seem to get a better finish conventional cutting especially in the softer grades like 8620). Having said all this, please remember that the machine hasn't always had the problem. It's only started in the last 6 months or so.

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