Re: What could be causing our hob machine vibrations?

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Posted by BillS on June 06, 2005 at 12:38:10:

In Reply to: Re: What could be causing our hob machine vibrations? posted by Ron on June 06, 2005 at 02:09:21:

It does sound like the cutter action is exciting the machine at its natural frequency - you feel it in the concrete so the machine is resonating.
Check the floor support adjusting screws and try to put equal pressure on all of them.

If you can increase the frequency of the excitation source, or increase the natural frequency (ringing) of something in the setup (likely the blank)... damping and frequency shift are about all you can change...

Try putting spacers on the clamping shaft, just up to the location of the blank, maybe short of the blank by .005/.010 so that clamping will clamp the blank solidly to the arbor, not just to the backup rim support. You want a solid take-up of torque when you tighten the clamping nut, but the backup tube must be in good contact, too. It sounds like the blank is being easily excited by the cutter.

As a last resort, have you tried climb hobbing?

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