Internal toothed helical gear ball measure problem

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Posted by Carol on March 28, 2005 at 06:08:52:

I have a gear in my school project and my promoter wants me to add a measure between the balls. I tried to calculate this but it's hard to do, I always get misleaded and I get different results. Could anyone help me with this please?

Gear specifications:
Internal toothed helical gear
m (module)=2.5 mm
z (number of teeth)=67
B (helix angle)=22d 11' 33"=22.1925 d
a (pressure angle)=20 d
s (tooth thickness on ref. dia.)=3.231 mm
g (space thickness on ref. dia.)=4.623 mm
dk (ball dia.)=5.5 mm

Thank you in advance

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